πŸ—οΈ HTTP Authentication Using API Key and Secret

When making requests to our API, you'll need to perform HTTP authentication using your API key and secret. This ensures secure communication between your application and our server. Follow the steps below to include the API key and secret in the headers of your HTTP requests:

Example Using cURL

If you're using cURL, you can include the API key and secret in the headers using the -H flag like this:

curl -H "Authorization: API_KEY:API_SECRET" https://api.example.com/endpoint

Replace API_KEY with your actual API key and API_SECRET with your API secret. Make sure to adjust the URL (https://api.example.com/endpoint) to match the endpoint you're accessing.

πŸ” Safeguarding Your API Keys and Secrets

When interacting with our API, it's important to prioritise security by safeguarding your API keys and secrets. These credentials provide access to your account and sensitive data, making them highly valuable targets for malicious actors. Follow these best practices to ensure the safety of your API keys and secrets:

πŸ”’ Keep Credentials Secure

Treat your API keys and secrets like digital gold. Store them in a secure location, such as environment variables or a dedicated configuration file outside of your source code repository. Avoid hardcoding these credentials directly in your code, as it increases the risk of exposure.

πŸ” Use Encrypted Storage

Consider using a secure password manager or a dedicated secrets management solution to store and manage your API keys and secrets. These tools encrypt your sensitive information and provide an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access.

βš™οΈ Limit Exposure

Only share API keys and secrets with individuals who require access to your API. Avoid displaying them in public forums, version control systems, or in URLs. Malicious actors constantly scan for exposed credentials, so minimizing their exposure reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

πŸ” Rotate Credentials Regularly

Regularly rotate your API keys and secrets. If a breach does occur, having frequently rotated credentials can mitigate potential damage. Set up a schedule for key and secret rotation and make it an integral part of your security practices.

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Monitor and Audit

Keep an eye on your API usage and regularly audit your access logs. Monitoring helps you detect any unusual activity associated with your API keys and secrets. If you notice any suspicious activity, take immediate action to mitigate potential threats.

Remember, securing your API keys and secrets is a critical step in protecting your data and maintaining the integrity of your applications. By following these practices, you're taking proactive steps to ensure a robust and secure integration with our API.

Now that you're armed with the knowledge to protect your credentials, you're ready to dive into the exciting world of our API with confidence and security.