A list of rejection reasons and their explanations
Rejection Reason | Explanation |
Other | Unknown error, contact the Payze support team |
InvalidMerchant | Problem on the merchant configuration level |
Restricted | The card is restricted from e-commerce or is blocked |
BankRejectedTransaction | Technical issue within the acquirer bank system |
Failed3ds | Transaction failed during the 3DS process, please try again |
DeviceIssue | Device suspected of potential fraud |
SystemMalfunction | General system error, contact Payze support team |
3DSAuthenticationFailed | Transaction failed during the 3DS process, please try again |
3DSTimeout | The cardholder stopped the payment process during the 3DS |
AuthorizationFailed | Transaction failed during the 3DS process, please try again |
VendorProcessingError | Technical issue within the acquirer bank system |
CardIsNotActivated | The card is not active for e-commerce payments or is not activated generally |
TransactionNotPermittedToCardholder | E-commerce transactions are restricted for the card, contact the issuer bank |
UnknownError | Unknown error, contact Payze support team |
Timeout | Transaction lifetime error, took too long to process the transaction |
TransactionLimitExceeded | The volume or quantity of transactions reached the limit set to the company |
CancelledByCardHolder | The cardholder cancelled the transaction and did not finish the purchasing process |
InternalTimeout | Cardholder abandoned the payment process or did not finish the payment process within 15-minute timeframe |
DeclinedByIssuer | The issuer bank of the cardholder rejected the processing of the transaction, please contact the issuer bank |
IncorrectCardDetails | Indicated card details are incorrect |
ReEnterTransaction | Technical issue, please try again |
InvalidAmount | An indicated amount is forbidden in the system |
IssuerInoperative | The technical issue on the issuer bank side, please try again later or contact the issuer bank |
ExpiredCard | Card date is expired |
LimitExceeded | The volume or quantity of transactions reached the limit set for the merchant |
Security | The transaction was rejected due to the security and fraud reasons |
LostCard | The card was reported lost |
StolenCard | The card was reported stolen |
InsufficientFunds | Not enough funds on the card to cover the transaction amount |
PinIssue | Technical issue with the pin of the card |
InvalidTransaction | Technical issue, please try again |
ServiceNotAvailableRetry | Technical network issues, contact Payze support team |
TerminalConfigurationIssue | Problem on the merchant configuration level |
BlockedCard | The card was blocked generally or for e-commerce only, please contact the issuer bank |
CardIssue | Card has a general problem, please contact the issuer bank |
AccessRestricted | Wrong or Inactive authorization parameters, contact Payze support team |
TokenIssue | Issue with saved card token |
SmsIssue | 3DS/OTP code could not be sent to the cardholder |
PotentialFraud | Potential fraudulent transaction |
InvalidFile | Problem on the merchant configuration level |
InvalidCardBrand | Issue on the card network level |
InvalidCard | The card is not active or has some other problem, contact the issuer bank |
PreauthorizationNotSupported | Preauthorization is not supported for this type of payment |
VendorAuthorizationFailed | Technical issue within the acquirer bank system |
CertificateNotFound | Problem on the merchant configuration level |
3DSAuthenticationLimitReached | Too many 3DS attempts, please try again later |
SecurityIssue | The transaction was rejected due to the security and fraud reasons |
CardNotFound | The card was not found in the system, please retokenize the card |
PhoneNumberNotFound | The phone number for the OTP/3DS of the user is not registered in the card network system |
OtpLimitReached | User attempted the max limit of SMS entries for OTP verification |
Please keep in mind that rejection reasons naming are subject to change and additional reasons might appear on regular basis